Sunday, 19 January 2014


Saturday 8th December 2013 went to a Svat Klub i Globen Stockholm
 Ofiela and Alva
 offie hehe
 My Pussy My Choice
 Oliva and cousine Alma
 Emily Hedvig Hugo
 hip Alma
 taxi Emily
 afterparty Ostermalm 
 bus to Almas and Olivas flat
morning after

Friday, 17 January 2014

stockholm xmas time

went to Nyskoping for Christmas day

 meet ali and unni for Thai

 at ofielas 

 fred at max, mozzastick
 alva and oliva at viking bar
 ace toilet
 oliva and alva at Ace

fred cregging

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

december essex

 fred ill
 connies house
 meg at jordans

vick at costas 
vick and smith walk back from white horse 

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Sunday, 5 January 2014

birthday 2013

went out in colchester (Timothy) 
jordan and police
Tims pen
Wills arse
 Connine and pinkhouse
train to chelmsford
6/12/2013 went out in chelmsford (for a "afterwork")
Jordie Shore dj
Dan Belch

Lily Mcblain
Lauren and Ja 
Alden loving mc Ds

7/12/2013 had drinks at Megs (Meg with three legged cat)